Old English Creations

Crochet Your Calm and Create with Joy


by Alison Stapleton

Temperature Blanket Details

This year I am making a temperature blanket.

Each day will be represented by a three-row granny square in the colour of the high temperature that day where I live in the city of Vancouver in Canada.

I started on January 1, 2018, and make one square every day until December 31, 2018. That will be 365 crochet granny squares in all.


I want my blanket to lay on my king sized bed and run in vertical rows for each set of 18 days.

My design is to make this blanket 18 squares by 21 rows as that makes a squarer blanket than the usual 14 squares (or two weeks) by 21 rows which result in a long, narrow blanket more suited to a single or twin sized bed.

I plan to make some extra white squares at the end to square off the blanket and on this can embroider the date for the year (2018). Here I may do MMXVIII just to be different.

The Details Up To Day 9

I know it says “week one” on the title of the post but it was actually Day 9 before  I got this published.

For the first week, the temperatures in Vancouver remained between 5C and 6C for the highs.

In a way, it was annoying to have to do the light blue for day after day and on into Day 9!

But, I think it will soon get a little colder as we move into late January and February is typically the coldest month.

My Progress

I like that I can do one granny square just after dinner each night while watching TV and chatting with my family. It is very doable and once the day’s square is completed that is all I have to do. So, there is a feeling of satisfaction in completing the single motif.

I do not feel the need to do more crocheting but I do have other projects on the hook that I will work at over the weekends.

I will post again when I reach week 2 and share wyouyrou just how good the blanket is coming along.

This is like a crochet along (CAL) and all the squares are the same.

Temperature blanket Day 9

Temperature Degree Colours

I have the colours already decided listed here.

Temperature blanket stash of colours.

Zero and below white

1C to 2C cream

3C to 4C taupe

5Cto 6C light blue

7C to 8C teal

9C to 10C green

11C to 12C lemon

13C to 14C yellow gold

15C to 16C orange

17C to 18C pink

19C to 20C hot pink

21C to 22C red

23C to 24C magenta

25C to 26C violet

27C to 28C purple

29C and above black

I bought the yarn (which is Vanna’s Choice [4] weight yarn) on January the first at my local yarn store (LYS) in downtown Vancouver.

I am using a 5.25mm crochet hook.

Instagram @OldEnglishCreations

Follow my daily progress and tag me with your temperature blanket images all year.